My pricing is consistent with the standard rates provided by the Editorial Freelancers Association.
In-depth review to get ready for proofreading
Correct misspellings and typos
Correct grammar and punctuation
Correct typography and formatting
Review any visual content (e.g., images, graphs, tables, charts)
Maintain consistency in style (e.g., spelling, capitalization)
Adhere to your preferred style guide (AP or Chicago)
Verify accuracy of basic facts
Create a house style sheet for future use
Reorganize/rewrite sentences for readability
Flag any potential copyright or libel issues
Flag tracking/continuity problems
Flag ambiguous vocabulary (and offer solutions)
Flag awkward phrasing (and offer solutions)
Flag repetition (and offer solutions)
Ensure clear word choice
Ensure clear sentence structure
Surface check (final step before publication)
Correct misspellings and typos
Correct grammar and punctuation
Correct typography and formatting
Review any visual content (e.g., images, graphs, tables, charts)
Maintain consistency in style (e.g., spelling, capitalization)
Adhere to your preferred style guide (AP or Chicago)
Correct obvious factual errors
Follow your house style sheet (if you have one)
Project rates are available for large or ongoing projects. Reach out for more info!